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Spritz Cookies Without Press: Read Step-By-Step Guidance

spritz-cookies-without-pressBaking a cookie is a whole different skill. This skill requires a lot of attention and creativity. Although there are times when we don’t have the proper tools. How to bake spritz cookies without press? 

When you don’t find any appliance that can give your cookies interesting shapes, you can use the normal thing in your kitchen.

There are ways to give your cookies a shape. However, these will not provide a professional body and undefined conditions. You can still use these techniques if you don’t have time to go to the market.

You can search this website to get knowledge about kitchen appliances. However, you can use these techniques to get spritz cookies at home without using many instruments. 

This post is all about baking spritz cookies without investing too much money. However, it will not be an easy task for someone new to the baking industry.

How to bake the spritz cookies without press?

The press is a tool that provides the shape of your cookies. Whenever you break or lose your press, you skip the pan of baking the cookies.

Although after reading this post, you can easily identify how to bake the cookies without a press. There are more than enough ways if you are willing to invest your time.

These strategies will consume your energy and time to get a defined shape of cookies. However, you don’t need to change the recipe for your cookies.

You can let the recipe remain the same even if you don’t have access to the press. You can put all the ingredients of your choice without hustle.

How to bake the spritz cookies without press?

Using a pipe: 

The piping is the most common method if you don’t have a press. The pipe is made from a plastic bag and has a chance to burst if you put the mixture and press hard.

Most of the time, the plastic pipes are used to write or design something on your cookies and pastries.

The best way to use these pipes is to add a minimum mixture to the line and don’t press the pipes hard. You can slowly use these plastic pipes and give a shape to your spritz cookies.

What if you don’t have a pipe at home? 

In case you dint have a baking pipe at home, you can make that one at home. You can use the bottle front and cut it from the middle.

After cutting the bottle into two-part, cleanse the upper part and put the mixture inside. Although this strategy will generate a big sort of cookies, you can still use this pipe, not a sharp edge.

Give shape with the shaper:

The shaper is also a good way to bake spritz cookies. You can find both steel and plastic shapers in the market. These are used during Christmas or any occasion.

They give your cookies a sharp and defined shape without using a press. This strategy is great when you have a shaper at home, and it is not broken.

Although you will need to focus while using the shaper, you can spoil your cookies if you add the ingredients a little bit more. The mixture will taste like uncooked cookies with flour taste.

The uncooked cookies can lead to stomach aches and other diseases related to the stomach. You can have food poisoning after eating the raw cookies.

Use your hands:

Another way to bake the cookies without a press is with your hands. If you don’t have access to the shaper or pipe, you can use your own hands.

This technique will require a lot of attention and creativity when your giving. You have to take care inch by inch. However, you can use a spoon or a knife to give a sharp edge to your cookies.

While giving shape with your hands, you will need to wear some gloves for the safety measures. After providing the conditions, you can put the tray in the oven or microwave wherever you want to bake.

Appliances affecting the shape while baking:

When you use appliances such as ovens and microwaves for baking, the shape is not effected without a press. 

If you have used a proper technique and followed the instructions, then no way will spoil your cookies.

The best way to get the spritz cookies is to use baking paper and spread it on the baking tray.

Importance of baking paper and tray:

A baking tray and paper will give the best texture and shape to spritz cookies. You will not need to use any appliances if you have these two things at your home.

The baking paper, such as parchment paper, will stick the mixture of cookies in one place. There is no chance of spreading the cookie mixture on the baking paper.

A baking tray is an essential tool for the baking of food items. The Thai baking tray is usually made of steel, which faster the baking process.

This baking tray also ensures that the cookies will not fall apart. 


How to use a pipe if you cant press the cookies?

You can add a slight amount of mixture and press the pipe when giving a shape. If you add much material at once, it will have a chance to burst and spoil your cookies.

What kind of baking paper is more suitable for baking cookies?

Although you can use any baking paper, parchment paper is most suitable for baking purposes.

Will using a hand to give shapes be a good idea?

Although when you don’t have any access to the baking appliances, the only option is left in your hands.

Using hands will not provide sharp edges or a defined outline to your cookies. Try to use a spoon or a knife that can at least give a short method to your cookies.

Final words 

This post is the ultimate solution for baking spritz cookies without press. You can use the basic appliances available at your home if you don’t have a press.

The basic appliances will not affect the time and temperature of baking your cookies. You can use plastic baking pipes or shapers to give the shape.

Although you can depend on the other ways of giving shapes, it will need your focus. You can also use sharp appliances or a spoon for baking cookies.

However, using a baking tray and paper will save your cookies from falling apart.